

E-mail: rzhuaye@126.com

華業(yè)玻璃祝您新年快樂(lè )、虎年吉祥!



At this beautiful moment of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, all the staff of Huaye Glass would like to send our sincere greetings and New Year wishes to you! We would like to express our heartfelt thanks and high respect to leaders, partners, employees' families and friends at home and abroad who have always cared and supported the development of Huaye Glass! We wish you smooth working, good health, a happy family and good luck in the new year!
區域經(jīng)理 區域經(jīng)理 區域經(jīng)理
贺兰县| 仙桃市| 蒙山县| 晋江市| 潞城市| 肥西县| 东光县| 尼勒克县| 南川市| 东乡县| 靖边县| 利川市| 疏勒县| 栾城县| 安泽县| 满洲里市| 青川县| 株洲市| 乐平市| 濮阳市| 苏尼特左旗| 综艺| 桃江县| 根河市| 浑源县| 吴桥县| 陆丰市| 左贡县| 瑞安市| 买车| 诏安县| 会同县| 营山县| 横山县| 满城县| 太原市| 仲巴县| 突泉县| 水城县| 阳城县| 盱眙县|