

E-mail: rzhuaye@126.com

Huaye Glass Invites You to 135th Canton Fair |華業(yè)玻璃邀您共赴第135屆廣交會(huì )二期



The 135th Canton Fair II (2024 China Import and Export Fair) will be grandly carried out in Guangzhou from 23rd April to 27th April. Rizhao Huaye Glass Co., Ltd. will take part in this fair, Booth No. 12.1H25.

4月23日-4月27日,第135屆廣交會(huì )(2024中國進(jìn)出口商品交易會(huì ))第二期將于廣州隆重開(kāi)展。日照市華業(yè)玻璃有限公司將參加本次展會(huì ),展位號12.1H25。


Huaye Glass is committed to providing innovative, high-quality products and services, as well as systematic solutions to domestic and foreign customers. We sincerely invite you to visit our booth to experience our products and services, and to meet with our professional team face to face to discuss cooperation opportunities.

華業(yè)玻璃致力于向國內外客戶(hù)提供創(chuàng )新、高質(zhì)量的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù),以及系統的解決方案。誠摯邀請您蒞臨我司展位,親自體驗我們的產(chǎn)品與服務(wù),與我司專(zhuān)業(yè)團隊面對面交流,探討合作機會(huì )。

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